Call for Papers
The EJPE Call for Papers is permanently open for articles, book reviews, and PhD thesis summaries across all the research domains covered by the journal.
All submissions should be sent by e-mail to:
Types of contributions:
- Academic articles (4000-8000 words)
- Critical comments (up to 8000 words)
- Book reviews (1000-2000 words)
- PhD thesis summaries (500-1000 words)
Research domains:
(1) Methodology of economics
Issues falling within the analytical philosophy of science tradition, related to the methodological analysis and appraisal of the concepts, theories and techniques of economics, both mainstream and heterodox. Contributions on methodological issues in evolutionary and institutional economics are especially welcome.
(2) History of economic thought
Issues in the historical development of the ideas, theories, and methods of economics.
(3) Ethics and economics
Issues in the social and political philosophy of economics, concerning for example the ethical presumptions and implications of economic concepts, theories, and reasoning, written in the style characteristic of contemporary analytical philosophy.
(4) Inter-disciplinary approaches to economics
Issues that arise from the intersection of other disciplines and economics, which bring valuable new perspectives for our understanding of the study of economic phenomena. For example, phenomenological approaches to economics, sociology of economics, economics of science, economics and literature.
All contributions should show a clear connection to the study of economic phenomena and focus on conceptual or philosophical issues.
Please see our detailed Instructions for Authors.
If you have suggestions about Books to be reviewed in EJPE, see our contact details.
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